Water Sanitation and hygiene (WASH) prgraom

The Afghan Australian Rehabilitation and Development Organization  AARDO  WASH program aims to contribute to the realisation of a child’s right to survival and development through promotion of the WASH sector. The program also provides support to national programs that increase equitable and sustainable access to safe water, basic sanitation services, and hygiene promotion.

The AARDO  WASH will  works  to improve water supplies and sanitation facilities in schools and communities, and to promote safe hygiene practices. AARDO will  sponsors a wide range of activities and work with many communities  including families, communities, governments .

Afghan Australian Rehabilitation and Development Organization AARDO will seek to implement the national Healthy School Initiative, which has the following vital components:

• Behavior-centered health and nutrition education and training: School based health education and community-based Child Focused Health Education to improve personal hygiene, health, dental care, nutrition, hand washing, Diarrhea, cough & cold, and Water born diseases, practices and promoting life skills to prevent risky behaviors (smoking, drugs, early marriage, and prevention of HIV/AIDS).

• Nutrition and health services Nutrition Modules to promote healthy eating: Vitamin A and iodine supplementation, de-worming of all students and out of school children, first aid kits in each school, school age children friendly health services, treatment of common illness at a health facility, screening and classroom remediation for vision and hearing impairments, and dental care.

• School environment improvements: WASH activities such as securing access to water at schools through bore holes, clean drinking water storage, latrines (at schools in adequate numbers for students), potable water and hand-washing facilities.

• Community support mechanisms and favorable school policy environments: Participate in healthy school initiative task force, documentation and dissemination of lessons learned at provincial and national levels.

Further, in the first quarter of the project, the school health education training lesson plans will be reviewed and finalized to ensure that it covers all SHN essential topics on personal hygiene,

nutrition including micronutrients, common illnesses and their prevention, environmental health, use and maintenance of hygienic latrines and hand-washing stations. The lesson plans will be developed both for promoting effective adult learning among teachers, parents, PTAs (school shura) and community members, and for promoting Child-focused Health Education (CfHE). CRC (convention on the Rights of the Child) training will conduct for the all CfHE facilitators for in school and out of school.